
More on perspective

Your perspective is from where you want to be, not where you are. Let me share with you a personal example that continually changes my thinking, increases my understanding, and gives direction to how I act and talk. A few years ago, as I was reading and studying the Bible, I wondered how come hardly anyone behaves and talks the way it says we should. So I came up with the questions "What if what the Bible says is true?" (In terms of behavior, relationship, and what God did for us.) And "How would I pray if I didn't ask?" So I came up with what I call a "Thank you" prayer, that takes a Bible verse and treats it as true.
Thank You, Father, that You are not a God of disorder, but of peace. 1 Cor 14:33
Thank You, Father, that we turn from evil and do good; we seek peace and pursue it. 1 Pet 3:11
As I was saying in my last post, our perspective is from where we want to be, not where we are.

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